3 Ways to Do Gymnastics

Danny Gordon

Co-authored by:

Certified Personal Trainer

This article was co-authored by Danny Gordon and by wikiHow staff writer, Megaera Lorenz, PhD. Danny Gordon is an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of The Body Studio for Fitness, a fitness studio based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 20 years of physical training and teaching experience, he has focused his studio on semi-private personal training. Danny received his Personal Trainer Certification from the California State University, East Bay and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). This article has been viewed 559,793 times.

Co-authors: 156

Updated: March 18, 2022

Views: 559,793

Article SummaryX

To do gymnastics, start by learning how to perform a forward somersault. Once you’ve mastered that, you can learn how to do a reverse somersault, cartwheel, handspring, and a roundoff. You can also try doing a pullover, roll, and front hip circle on a bar. While you’re learning these new skills, do things to improve your strength and flexibility on your own. Try stretches like the butterfly, the pike, and the bridge, and strength-training exercises like pushups and lunges. Finally, whenever you’re practicing gymnastics, make sure you’re in a safe environment and have a spotter available if you’re trying anything advanced. To get formal training, find a local gym that offers gymnastics classes and talk to a gymnastics coach about the different types of gymnastics. If you’d prefer to train at home, practice with workout pads, trampolines, or outdoor equipment at parks. If you want to know how to do basic gymnastics moves, such as a jump or bend, keep reading!

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