About Us — Blackhorse CrossFit

blackhorse crossfit…

is not your typical “industrialized” gym. In fact, you will often hear the establishment referred to as a ‘box’ and not a gym because everything that we do here can be done anywhere. When weather permits, you can find us at a local park, pool, or street conducting our training. More important than the world class fitness regimen we provide, BlackHorse CrossFit also provides a community/family atmosphere that is unrivaled in the fitness world. As a member, you will no longer have to deal with the stereotypical, (sometimes) egotistical gym rat who looks at those who may not be as physically fit or strong, as a lesser person, for here it is not about being better than the person to your left or right, but rather being better than the person you were yesterday. Here you will find strongest person helping the weaker. The person who finishes the WOD (workout of the day) first cheering on the person coming in last. Here you will find that age is merely a number and does not stop anyone from offering a helping hand or from cheering one another on.

It is our mission to provide efficient training…. and have fun! We will provide this in an environment dedicated to striking a unique balance of humility, service, caring, attitude and professionalism. This environment brings unparalleled results, excellence, top athletic performance and, most importantly, superior health of our athletes over time. We will achieve all the above while simultaneously creating and maintaining a dedicated community of individuals that support, encourage and celebrate one-another’s triumphs and successes throughout their fitness journeys.

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