Most of us are well aware of the many health benefits of exercise, but finding the discipline to not only start training but to also stick with it is often the hard part.
Whether you’re at the beginning of your fitness journey or in desperate need of some motivation to keep going, you’ll find it on these blogs — and in their educational, inspirational, and empowering content.
Get ready to sweat!
Nerd Fitness
A self-described community of “underdogs, misfits, and mutants” ready and willing to help people with every step of their fitness journey, Nerd Fitness is a comprehensive resource that’s motivating and inspiring. Sure, they’ll teach you how to work out without a gym and how to prepare a basic meal, but they also focus on helping you fix your own mindset, develop positive habits, and really change your life one step at a time.
Ross Enamait’s website is dedicated to high performance conditioning, strength, and athletic development. The longtime trainer and boxing coach understands that a successful fitness regimen boils down to finding what works for you. His blog is a great resource for information about different kinds of training — from fitness fundamentals to old-school workouts like jumping rope to philosophical riffs on mental endurance.
Love Sweat Fitness
Katie Dunlop’s Love Sweat Fitness community inspires women everywhere to find their own healthy, happy bodies. While the website features daily workouts, recipes, community forums, and much more, the blog is where Katie shares content like her own healthy spring morning routine, the biggest weight loss mistake you may be making, weekly workout schedules, and her latest sweat babe crush.
Breaking Muscle
Designed for fitness consumers and professionals, Breaking Muscle is a leading publisher of timely, quality information about all things fitness and nutrition. In addition to countless workouts and recipes, there’s content geared specifically to coaches and trainers. Check out podcasts and thought-provoking posts written by the blog’s coaches in residence.
Advanced Human Performance
Anyone feeling frustrated by a fitness plateau will find help from Advanced Human Performance creator Joel Seedman, PhD. He started this site to help people break through their nutritional and training barriers. He provides the most advanced, scientifically proven methods. The blog features comprehensive information relating to specialized exercises and tips for improving technique and function.
Tony Gentilcore
Tony Gentilcore is a trainer and co-founder of Cressey Sports Performance, a fitness training facility “by athletes for athletes.” His focus is largely on weightlifting. He jokes that he’s a pro at “picking things up and putting them down again.” On his blog, Tony shares insightful and often humorous posts about everything from deadlift warmups and workouts to make you leaner to fitness marketing 101 and important things every coach should know.
Dr. John Rusin
Dr. John Rusin is known for his pain-free strength training routines that have been used by exercise scientists, fitness trainers, and physical therapists alike. These same professionals turn to Rusin’s blog for expert tips related to performance and functional training, along with injury prevention tips. Readers don’t necessarily have to work in the strength training field to find this blog valuable. Here, you can learn more about plyometrics, kettlebell swings, proper bootcamp-style workouts, muscle recovery, and more.
The Balanced Life
Like many working women, you may struggle with finding time to exercise and seeing results that will make you want to stick with your workout program. Here’s where The Balanced Life may help. While you have the option of signing up for a membership with exclusive Pilates videos with the program’s founder, Robin, you can also find a lot of free tips on her blog. Not only will you read about Pilates, but the goal of the blog is to help readers find balance in their lives by fitting in exercise, rather than trying to achieve perfection.
Knocked Up Fitness
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises per week. Still, it can be difficult to know where to start since some exercises may be off-limits. This is where the blog Knocked Up Fitness can help. Here, readers can learn how to modify exercises while pregnant and also learn specific stretches to make you look and feel better. Stress-reduction techniques are also discussed to further reinforce the importance of the mind-body connection. As a bonus, women can also gain tips on how to get their bodies lean and strong postpartum.
Ben Greenfield Fitness
As a former bodybuilder and triathlete, Ben Greenfield is also an exercise physiologist and coach with over 20 years of experience helping others achieve their athletic goals. He uses this experience and more in his blog. Not only will you learn some tried-and-true strength and conditioning techniques, but Greenfield’s emphasis on the role of clean eating may also help you get to the next level, too. Readers who check out this blog can expect to find detailed articles on related topics, along with sample exercises and recipes.
Get Healthy U
If you’re looking to mix up your current exercise routine, you can check out Get Healthy U’s fitness section for new workout tips. Not only can you find a workout by type, such as cardio, HIIT, or strength training, but you can also filter your selections by length. There’s even a whole guide dedicated to beginners if you’re new to exercising and not quite sure where to start. In between your workout perusal, make sure you check out the multiple posts about form, training, and recovery.
Pumps & Iron
Pumps & Iron is the official blog of Nicole, a certified personal trainer and group instructor from Boston. While readers will undoubtedly find fitness tips, Nicole also shares workout videos you can use in the comfort of your own home to help guide you through both equipment and body weight-based strength training. As a bonus, you’ll also find Nicole’s tips for eating healthy to complement your new fitness routine, including a whole section dedicated to recipes with special dietary considerations.
PumpUp is a community of fitness enthusiasts, including beginners, athletes, and everyone in between who want to look their best via a healthy lifestyle. The PumpUp blog is full of fitness, recipes, and lifestyle tips that can help you achieve such goals. Readers can also learn a few extras, such as mind-body exercises, healthy skin tips, how to eliminate sugar from your diet, and more. Be sure to stop by the “Stories” page to gain some inspiration from other PumpUp community members who have transformed their lives for the better.
Keep It SimpElle
Elle is a professional trainer and London-based entrepreneur who shares her passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle via her blog, Keep It SimpElle. She’s got a fun tone throughout her posts, which include helpful workouts, running and cycling tips, and proper stretching. If you’re an aspiring fitness professional yourself, Elle has a section of her blog dedicated to business and blogging advice. Readers can also check out Elle’s online fitness classes, race appearances, and more.
Steph Gaudreau
As a strength training professional and nutritional therapist, Steph Gaudreau brings together these two areas of expertise and shares important information on her blog for those looking to get stronger — both physically and mentally. Much of her work focuses on what Steph calls “The Core 4”: eating nourishing foods, moving with intention, rest and recharge, and empowering the mind. While the blog is primarily geared toward women, anyone can benefit from Steph’s candid posts, many of which stem from personal experience with achieving a healthier lifestyle.
Robertson Training Systems
Robertson Training Systems is a professional training blog written by founder Mike Robertson. Here, both current and prospective personal trainers can find helpful tips for making the most out of their client sessions, as well as sport-specific training advice. This blog may also help readers who aren’t necessarily working in the personal training profession but are curious about gaining insights from Mike’s 18-plus years of experience working with both professional athletes and beginning exercisers.
Massy Arias
Massy Arias is a well-known certified personal trainer located in Los Angeles, California. Massy’s training incorporates a variety of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), sprinting, yoga, calisthenics, and resistance training. Beyond physically strengthening the body, her trainings aim to build mental strength. On this blog, visitors will find a range of workout videos, fashion and beauty tips, along with meal prep ideas. You can also join her MA Warrior Challenge or various e-book programs.
If you have a favorite blog you’d like to nominate, please email us at