CrossFit My Heart

Posted: November 4, 2013 in WOD



Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.


NOW TAKING PRE ORDERS $20.00 (girls we have options of V-neck, scoop neck, and burn out tanks) make sure to let your coach know what style you want. All shirts will be in the Bella/Canvas brand.

We’ve added an online store! Go to our member website to place your order for your shirts!

Crossfit My Heart Revised 2

Place your orders ASAP. All orders will be submitted next Monday, November 11. We want to get these shirts off the press and on your back.



Hebrews 12:29

For our God is a devouring fire.



Santa Smackdown sign up board. If you are interested in competing please make your teams and sign up.  Each team will consist of 2 men + 2 women.  There is a limit of 40 teams.  20 Rx teams, 15 Scaled teams, and 5 masters. Price per team is 250.00 or 62.50 each member.

For those of you looking to learn your muscle ups , watch Virtuosity with Dusty Hyland.

So let’s start practicing and getting these muscle ups.


THURSDAY OCTOBER 31st,  Halloween Night,  last class will be at 4PM.


Posted: October 28, 2013 in WOD
Tags: #BEXPLOSIVE, 1 Samuel 10:6, @theboxjumper, Crossfit, Love God, MetCon, power, Stockton, Strength, The Word of God, TheXWOD, TRUCH, Verse of the Day, WOD, Word of the Day


1 Samuel 10:6

At that time the Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person.



This past Saturday Coach Julio, attended The Explosive Seminar as  staff intern. Coach Julio learned a lot from the seminar and is looking forward to working more seminars. Watch for our programming to become a lot more explosive and watch them PR’s rack up.  In case you haven’t heard Ryan’s story, here is a brief bio.

Ryan Moody holds six world records. AND, he is the only documented human being to jump higher than their height! Listen how he returned from a paralyzing injury, and went on to blow people’s minds with his vertical prowess. Look for local seminars coming up in the near future @



Matthew 6:34

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.


We would like to thank everyone who came out to our Halloween Party. Everyone had a great time. Lots of good food, good laughs and a good WOD.  All the kids also had a blast with the jumper and of course finishing off the night with an all-out war dodge ball game.

CFMH Halloween 2013





Romans 15:13

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Just a reminder no morning classes tomorrow. We will all do the Halloween WOD in the evening.  So come dressed up in your costume , get ready to do a fun WOD and then hang out for a while. There will also be a be a jumper for the children.  We will be at the gym from about 5pm to 9pm. We will start the heats for the WOD at 6pm. This will give everyone a chance to get there and warm up.

Remember there is no class this Saturday. Both Coach Tara and Julio will be attending Ryan Moody’s Explosive Seminar in Turlock.

Halloween 2013


Posted: October 23, 2013 in WOD
Tags: Asthma, CA, CFMH, Crossfit, CrossFit My Heart, Crosstown Fitness, CTF, faith,, Proverbs 15:32, Stockton, Word of the Day

Word of The Day (WOD)

Proverbs 15:32

If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.

Thoughts on today’s verse:

Discipline can be a hard thing to take, especially as an adult when we are so used to getting everything our way. When you fight discipline it only makes things worse. Those who fight it end up cutting themselves short of the glory that awaits them. Don’t fight discipline, and allow it to propel you towards success.


Coach Tara found this article, which is an awesome article about CrossFit and Asthma by Shane Eckert. Having dealt with Asthma growing up, I can relate.  Here are some key points that can help those with Asthma. To get the full understanding of the article click on the link   Asthma & CrossFit to read in its entirety,



Basically Asthma is not an excuse to avoid exercise and CrossFit. As an Asthmatic you just have to approach things in a different way and be more in tune with your body. I can not stress enough that you are capable of more than you think you are. It’s a huge battle with your thinking. If you are like me, you have had years and years of family members, friends, and some doctors telling you that you cannot do it. You cannot play sports, you are not like other capable people, you need to take it easy. Honestly, it’s hard to push through a run when you are being passed by everyone, it’s really hard to push through a WOD when you are still going 20 minutes after the last person has finished. And to make it even worse, all those negative messages you have heard throughout your life are flooding your mind and filling you with doubt.

Think about a few things.

  1. At CrossFit people do not leave after the WOD is over, they stick around and cheer you on. They will do those last 10 pull-ups with you or run that last 800 meters cheering you on. You are not alone in CrossFit.
  1. Recognize that you are doing something incredible. Silence the voices of doubters and haters and the thoughts that threaten your success by looking at what you are doing. You are doing the very thing you were told (and you believed) that you could not do.
  1. Do not compare yourself to others. You will be performing as an athlete, it takes time. Right now, compare yourself to you. Track and measure. Every month make sure you are doing workouts that are similar or identical so you can look back and see where you improved. Push-Ups without a band, Fran in 16:00 and not 32:00, pushups with proper form, 10lbs PR on Squats. You get the picture. Your competition is with the sick and unhealthy you. Worry about the leader boards later.
  1. You are an athlete. I know, shut up! Right? You are, and so words like recovery, performance, and strength are words that now apply to you. Let that sink in and let that build you up. Keep coming back and getting stronger. Eat, sleep, think and CrossFit like an athlete, you are actively taking on the identity that your creator intended for you to have.
  1. If like me you are a Christian, then you will start to make all kinds of connections between the endurance and transformations that happen inside a CrossFit box. (that’s a whole other article) I use scripture and my strength in Christ to finish WODs and I use the strength from CrossFit to push on in my walk with Christ. Discipline in CrossFit directly translates into discipline in all areas of your life, including faith.

Posted: October 22, 2013 in WOD
Tags: santasmackdown crossfit crossfitmyheart crossfit lodi team competition

Word of the day (WOD)

your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people. (NLT) – Philemon 1:7

Thoughts on today’s verse:  When friends get together each encounter promises to hold a time of connection. Sometimes we need to vent and release emotions but if we aren’t careful we can leave them feeling burdened and drained. Do your lift up your friends with love and kindness and leave feeling refreshed?  

THE SANTA SMACK DOWN will be held at CrossFit Lodi on December 14th

( the same day as our Christmas party)

We have a few people interested. Let us know at the front desk and we can put some teams together and represent

CrossFit My Heart! 

Santa Smackdown

December 14 2013 7:00 am CrossFit Lodi, Lodi

This will be a team event.  Each team will consist of 2 men + 2 women.  There will be a limit of 40 teams.  20 Rx teams, 15 Scaled teams, and 5 Masters teams (masters athletes must be 40+ years old).  There will be 3WOD’s & 1 Floater WOD.

santa smackdown


Buy ticketsCost: 250.00 USD  for the team (62.50 each team member)

The WODs are not posted yet but here are movements that teams should be able to execute.
-Muscle Ups (Toes through rings as alternate)-Burpees
-Ball Slams
-Box Jumps
-DB Snatch


Psalm 34:19-20

The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
 For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken!


Remember this Friday July 25th is our Halloween Party. Wear your costume and bring your favorite dish. There will be a jumper for the little ones. There will be no workouts during the day. We will all do a Halloween WOD in the evening.

Also the Gym will be closed Saturday. Both Coach Julio and Coach Tara will be at the Explosive Seminar with Ryan Moody in Turlock @ CrossFit Parabellum. If you want to be more explosive be sure to sign up and attend this awesome seminar.


Save the date for our 1st annual Christmas party! Saturday Dec 14th

We will provide buffet style dinner and DJ and dancing.

Some have asked about alcohol and unfortunately due to legal liability we cannot provide alcohol.



Deuteronomy 10:17

“For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed.


Wake Up



John 14:1

Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.


Heart troubles can be the worst.  Hurts happen.  Are you doing what you can to be troubled free?  If you don’t take the time to deal with those hurts and root them out, they will prevent you from being a whole, healthy person.


~Daily Devotional by Faith Apps @

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