Thankfully, using Higgins’ method, you can get Pascal’s grizzled The Last of Us look without having to live through the end of the world. Based on bodyweight movements, you won’t need any gear, meaning you can deploy this workout anytime, and place.
With a focus on mobility, it will also help loosen up stiff joints, opening up your body – ideal if old injuries continue to nag or you spend most of your day at a desk.
Complete five rounds of the below, working on each exercise for one minute, with a 30 second rest between exercises, and sets. Aim for once or twice a week in addition to your usual workout and stretching routine, and you’ll soon see the benefits.
Mountain climbers
With your stomach facing the floor, extend your body to its full length, extending your arms beneath your chest to create a 45-degree angle between your body and the ground. One by one you’re going to bring your knees into your chest while maintaining this position. Try to move quickly without losing form.
Single split squats
Stand facing away from a bench. One leg should be straight, the other bent behind you so your shoelaces rest on the bench. Bend at the knee of your straight leg to squat down, keeping your rear leg in place for balance. Extend your hip and knee as your push down through your heel to return to standing. Do one minute per leg. If you’re finding this too easy, feel free to grab a pair of dumbbells or a kettlebell too.
Lie on your front with legs and arms extended like Superman. With a very slight arch in your back, you’re going to raise the alternate arm and leg simultaneously before swapping (so: right arm, left leg; left arm, right leg). Keep going for 60 seconds. If your back begins to hurt, stop and stretch it out before continuing.
Push ups
Get down on your hands and knees, then extend your legs behind you so your toes and palms are your only link with the ground. Keeping your core tight and back straight, bend at the elbows (keep the tucked to your body) to bring your chest and nose close to the ground. Hold, then exhale as you straighten your arms to push back up.
A tough one after the push-ups, this. After your 30 seconds of hard breathing, get back into push-up position, but with your forearms, not palms, along the ground. Keep your back straight, grit your teeth and hold the position for 60 seconds.
David Higgins is the author of The Hollywood Body Plan. Find out more at
This story originally ran on British GQ with the title “Pedro Pascal’s fitness routine for The Last of Us is actually really attainable’”